Living Well with Diabetes

Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed with diabetes or have been treating it for years, you’re not alone. More than 34 million people in the U.S. have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. That’s one out of every 10 Americans!1

Left untreated, your diabetes can lead to even more serious health problems, like heart disease, nerve damage, kidney disease and blindness. Learn more about health problems caused by diabetes.

Treat your diabetes right and live a happy life

And while there is no cure for diabetes yet, there are many ways to manage your condition so that you can continue to live a healthy life, feel good and continue to do the things you enjoy.

Managing your diabetes

Continuous glucose monitors, insulin delivery devices, and diabetic supplies are all covered by your SCAN plan. Some items are covered as part of your prescription drug benefit; others are considered durable medical equipment. Only certain brands are covered. To make sure you are using your benefits, please see the Q & A below.


Things to do to stay healthy

Talk with your doctor about the following things you can do to manage your diabetes and avoid other problems that could harm your health.


Get traditional blood glucose and test supplies with your SCAN plan.

These diabetic supplies are preferred products covered by your SCAN plan and don’t require prior authorization. Have your doctor send in a prescription to your pharmacy for one of these products covered by your SCAN plan.

Glucose Monitors

Manufacturer: Abbott

  • FreeStyle Freedom Lite Monitor
  • FreeStyle Lite Meter
  • FreeStyle Precision Neo Meter
  • Precision Xtra Monitor
  • FreeStyle Insulinx Glucose System

Test Strips

Manufacturer: Abbott

  • FreeStyle Test Strip
  • FreeStyle Lite Test Strip
  • Precision Ketone Test Strip
  • Precision Glucose Test Strip
  • FreeStyle Insulinx Test Strip


All products by any manufacturer.

What Insulin Delivery Devices are covered through SCAN?

Unlike CGMs, insulin delivery devices are not considered durable medical equipment (DME). Instead, they are covered through your pharmacy benefit. That means you will need a prescription from your doctor and will get these devices through your pharmacy.

Insulin delivery devices covered by your SCAN plan include:

  • Insulin Pen Needles
  • Insulin Syringes
  • V-Go
  • Omni-pod

NOTE: Traditional insulin pumps are covered under your durable medical equipment (DME) benefit. As with a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), your doctor must submit an authorization request to your medical group. If approved, their DME company will send your insulin pump supplies directly to you.

Are you or a family member at risk for diabetes?

Surprisingly, one out of four people with diabetes doesn’t know he or she has it! Some 88 million Americans (more than one out of three) have prediabetes.This is when blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes is serious and puts you at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

If you’re experiencing symptoms—such as dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth or having to visit the bathroom often—ask your doctor as soon as possible for a blood test to check for diabetes.

Find out more about your risk of developing type 2 diabetes here.


More resources

These online services can give you information and tools that can help you manage your diabetes. You will also be able to talk to other people with diabetes. Talk to your doctor about classes or support groups they might be able to refer you to. 

Programs and Classes

SCAN offers you our Living Well with Diabetes online workshop. For more information email us at: or call 1-800-388-4945 

Support Services

American Diabetes Association—you can also call them at 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383)

Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists

American Diabetes Association

Diabetes Daily

Know Diabetes by Heart


Educational Events

The American Diabetes Association offers free educational Ask the Experts Q&A series—click here or call 1-855-565-0595 for more information.


American Diabetes Association “In It Together” Podcast 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fact sheets

Helping Older Family Members Become More Active

What you need to know about continuous glucose monitors (CGMs)

A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is a wearable device that is placed under your skin. It provides blood sugar levels continuously throughout the day. This is different from a traditional blood glucose monitor that only measures blood sugar levels when you do a fingerstick.

Ask your doctor if a CGM might be right for you; and if it is, see the questions and answers below on how to get one.

Q: Will SCAN cover my CGM?

A CGM is covered if you:

  • Have diabetes; AND
  • Had a visit within the last 6 months with your doctor; AND
  • Are using insulin OR have a history of problems with low blood sugar

Q. What type of CGMs are covered in my SCAN plan?

These are the preferred CGMs covered by SCAN:

Manufacturer: Abbott

  • Libre 14-Day
  • Libre 2
  • Libre 3

Manufacturer: Dexcom

  • Dexcom G5
  • Dexcom G6

The following are non-preferred CGMs:

Manufacturer: Medtronic

  • Minimed 630G, 670G, 770G
  • Guardian Sensor 3, 3Kit, Transmitter 3, Transmitter 3 Kit
  • Enlite Sensor, Sensor Kit

If you require a non-preferred CGM, your provider will need to submit additional information as to why a preferred CGM cannot be used.

Q: How do I get my CGM supplies?

  1. Ask your doctor to submit an authorization to Express Scripts. Once your authorization is approved, you will be able to pick up your CGM supplies directly from an in-network pharmacy. (Find an in-network pharmacy near you using SCAN’s Pharmacy Search Tool)

    To start your CGM authorization request, your doctor should contact Express Scripts (ESI):

    • By phone: 1-844-424-8886, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, TTY users: 1-800-716-3231
    • By fax: 1-877-251-5896 (Attention: Medicare Reviews)
    • Electronically: Through the EPA portal
  2. Ask your doctor to submit an authorization to your medical group. Once your authorization is approved, your CGM will be sent to your home directly from the DME company that works with your medical group. The DME company will contact you for shipping information and any copay.

Please call SCAN Member Services if you have any questions. The number is on the back of your member ID card.

Q: What information does my doctor need to request a CGM authorization?

Generally, your doctor will need to send:

  1. Documentation showing that you meet the coverage requirements to use CGM supplies (see “Will SCAN cover my CGM?” above)
  2. A prescription for your CGM supplies
  3. Documentation showing your diabetes is being managed by your doctor at least every 6 months

Your medical group may ask for more information.

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