The presence of a Specialist in this directory does not guarantee that you will be referred to that particular Specialist. Your care is directed by your physician. Your physician may not admit to all network Specialists. If there are specific Specialists you would like to access, please call SCAN Member Services to determine your plan’s network.
Select Primary Care Physician
1Select Provider완료되지 않음
2Select Medical Group완료되지 않음
3Verify Selection완료되지 않음
Select New Provider
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He or she may not be in your medical group. Please call SCAN Member Services at (877) 452-5900 TTY: 711 for help with updating your primary care doctor.
†The effective date for a residential and/or mailing address change can either be the first of the next month or the first of the following month. For example, if you update your address on Jan. 15, you can either let us know to make the change active on Feb. 1 or March 1.
NetworkRelations@scanhealthplan.com로 잘못된 정보를 신고하세요.