Confirmation Number:
Plan Name:
Name & Address
First: None Entered
Middle initial (optional): None Entered
Last: None Entered
Street Address (P.O. Box is not allowed): None Entered
Street Address 2 (optional): None Entered
City: None Entered
Zip Code: None Entered
State: None Entered
County: None Entered
Is your mailing address the same as your residence address? None Entered
Phone number: None Entered
I would like to receive text messages from SCAN (optional) None Entered
I would like to have my materials sent online. Not Applicable
Medicare number: None Entered
Special Enrollment Period Not Applicable
Primary Care Doctor
PCP Name: None Entered
PCP Number: None Entered
Medical Group Name: None Entered
Medical Group Address Suffix: None Entered
Medical Group Number: None Entered
Dental Information (optional)
Dental provider ID number (optional): None Entered
Dental office name (optional): None Entered
Will you have other prescription drug coverage (like VA, TRICARE) in addition to SCAN? None Entered
Do you have Continuity of Care needs? None Entered
Personal Identification
Date of Birth: None Entered
Race-ethnicity Not Applicable
Ethnicity Not Applicable
What is your sex? Not Applicable
What is your preferred spoken language?
Select your spoken language: None Entered
What is your preferred written language?
Select your written language: None Entered
Are you enrolled in your state Medi-Cal (Medicaid) program? None Entered
Do you have an Emergency Contact? (Optional)
Enter your emergency contact (optional): None Entered
Relationship to you: None Entered
Phone Number: None Entered
Do you work? (Optional) None Entered
Does your spouse work? (Optional) None Entered
Select one below if you want us to send you information in an accessible format (Optional) None Entered
Zero Payment