Jennie Chin Hansen is the immediate past CEO of the American Geriatrics Society. Earlier in her career, she was President of the 38-million-member AARP, a position she held during the development of the Affordable Care Act.
Ms. Hansen’s career includes nearly 25 years with On Lok, Inc., a nonprofit family of organizations providing comprehensive medical and community-based services to older adults in San Francisco. On Lok's fully capitated, integrated and coordinated service delivery system became the prototype for PACE, the senior care program that now operates extensively in 31 states.
Ms. Hansen served a six-year term as a federal commissioner of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). Since 2012, she has served on the national Veteran’s Health Administration Advisory Committee on Gerontology and Geriatrics, and in January 2021, she completed her formal role as one of the California Stakeholders who designed the first ever Master Plan for Aging. She currently serves as a national board member of the Altarum Institute and HelpAge USA.
Ms. Hansen’s past honors include a CMS Administrator’s Award of Achievement and the Picker Award for Excellence in the Advancement of Patient-Centered Care in Long-Term Care. She has received the American Society on Aging’s (ASA) as well as the National Council of Aging’s Hall of Fame award and was named one of the national 50 Influencers in Aging by PBS’ Next Avenue.
In addition to being a Fellow and Health Care Leader Awardee of the American Academy of Nursing, Ms. Hansen has received multiple alumni awards from the University of California, San Francisco (in 2022 the UCSF Medal) and Boston College, from which she received an honorary doctorate. In 2024 she was also accorded an honorary doctorate of Humane Letters from Harvard University.