Ask Member Services
Wondering where to find a list of all the medications SCAN covers? Find out here... and how you can save money on them, too!

Wondering where to find a list of all the medications SCAN covers? Find out here... and how you can save money on them, too!
All SCAN plans provide the basic dental services covered by Original Medicare. But SCAN offers even more when it comes to dental benefits. From plans that provide a Dental Allowance to Dental HMOs to buy-up options that add coverage or expand your choice of dentists, SCAN will help keep you smiling.
If you have a SCAN online member account, be on the lookout for some improvements that will make it even more useful for managing your care and SCAN benefits. Until then, here are three things you can do to be up and running when your new, improved SCAN online account goes live.
What awards really mean
Need to see a specialist with your SCAN coverage? Learn when you can book directly (vision, dental, hearing) and when you’ll need a doctor’s referral. Get tips on referrals, approvals, and making appointments—all in one place!
Show your heart love in February with these heart-healthy habits.
If your SCAN plan includes an over-the-counter (OTC) benefit—most SCAN plans do—now you can spend your OTC allowance at more than 7,000 CVS Pharmacies nationwide!
There’s more than one path to healthy aging. Learn how three SCAN seniors are staying healthy and independent their own way.
Where to go when you need healthcare can depend on the type of care you need. Learn when and how to get these four kinds of care.