2025 and Looking Good!
Depending on your SCAN plan, you may have some new benefits in 2025, or current benefits that will be even better next year. No matter what your plan, you can expect to save some time or money in 2025—because we know those things are important to you, too.

Find what's new or changing in your specific plan next year in the Annual Notice of Changes (ANOC) you received in September. And for all your SCAN benefits, look to your Evidence of Coverage.
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OTC Now at CVS Pharmacy Locations
Many of you have said you appreciate the OTC benefit but wish you could use it to shop at local stores, too.
We heard you! In 2025 we’re partnering with CVS so that you can use your OTC allowance at the CVS Pharmacy in your neighborhood—or wherever you are. There are more than 7,000 CVS Pharmacy locations nationwide, and many are open 24 hours.
By shopping in a CVS store, you can choose from more than 10,000 everyday health necessities with your SCAN OTC allowance.
Plus, you can take advantage of store sales and special offers to make your allowance stretch even further!
Prefer shopping from home? You can still use your OTC allowance to do that, too. Place an order by phone or download the OTC Health Solutions mobile app to your smartphone.
If your plan includes the OTC benefit, you should receive a SCAN debit card in January. To find out more while you’re waiting for your card to arrive, visit scanhealthplan.com/extras2025.
Some members will also be able to use their OTC allowance on many staple grocery items at more than 70,000 grocery stores nationwide.
SCAN offers the OTC+Grocery benefit to eligible members* in the following plans:
- SCAN Connections (HMO D-SNP)
- SCAN Connections at Home (HMO D-SNP)
- SCAN Strive (HMO C-SNP)
- SCAN Allied (HMO)
* Eligibility for grocery benefit is not based solely on chronic conditions. All applicable eligibility requirements must be met before the benefit is provided. Qualifying chronic condition(s) required to be eligible for the benefit include cardiovascular disorders, chronic heart failure, diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disorders. Other chronic conditions may apply. Medical records will be used to establish qualifications for the benefit.
Members in some SCAN plans can also use their flexible allowance toward copays for dental services, prescription eyewear and hearing aids at approved locations. You'll receive more information with your SCAN debit card in January.
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You Could Pay Less in 2025
We know that drug costs are on everyone’s minds these days. So, we’re happy to put your mind at ease.
Many SCAN members will pay less in 2025 for prescription drugs.
Here’s how. In 2025 there will be:
- No more coverage gap!
- A new payment option to manage your drug cost if it's too high!*
- A limit on how much you pay for covered drugs!
The maximum out-of-pocket for prescription drugs in 2025 is $2,000. But with SCAN’s generous pharmacy benefits, you may pay much less—perhaps even less than what you’ve paid this year!
Your pharmacy benefits still include:
- A comprehensive formulary with more than 1,400 drugs
- No Part D deductible in most plans
- $0 copay on 90% of the drugs used by SCAN members†
A Crystal Ball for What You’ll Pay
SCAN's Rx calculator tool can estimate what you’ll pay for your prescription medications in 2025. Find the calculator and more information on your 2025 pharmacy benefits at scanhealthplan.com/Rx2025.
* There are no income eligibility requirements to participate in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan—a new payment option for your Part D drugs (participation is voluntary). This payment option doesn’t lower your drug costs.
† $0 copay on 90% of drugs is based on the CY2023 SCAN’s Part D prescription claims utilization for Tiers 1 and 2.
Rx benefits may vary by plan/county/pharmacy type/day supply/Part D benefits stage. Please see your Evidence of Coverage for more information or visit scanhealthplan.com.
Check These Benefits for Changes
- Transportation – If you have the Transportation benefit, your plan will continue to offer $0 rides next year. However, we’ve changed the distance limit in some plans from 75 miles to 50 miles. Most of you are within the 50-mile limit already, but we want to be sure you note this change. (SCAN Connections and SCAN Connections at Home members still have a 75- mile limit.)
- Hearing health – Have you been putting off a hearing test? Here’s why you may want to get one before the end of the year: In some plans the cost of hearing aids is going up in 2025. Check your ANOC to see if your hearing aid copay will change next year. Then schedule your hearing exam through TruHearing accordingly!
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New SCAN ID Card Coming Your Way |
Be on the look-out for your new SCAN ID card to arrive in December. Your new ID card will look different than your old one, but you’ll use it the same way.
Also new: You won’t have a separate Transportation card. Instead, if your SCAN plan includes the Transportation benefit, you’ll find the phone number on the back of your new ID card.
Remember, you can find a digital copy of your ID card any time in your SCAN online member account. Log in or sign up at scanhealthplan.com/members.