Claim Payment & Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)
SCAN offers the below claim payment options
1. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/Automated Clearing House (ACH): Automatic direct bank account deposits
EFT Enrollment Two Options:
1. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/Automated Clearing House (ACH): Automatic direct bank account deposits
EFT Enrollment Two Options:
- Enroll for EFT with only SCAN Health Plan (no fees apply) at:
- SCAN’s Payer ID: 72261
- To sign-up to receive EFT from all payers processing payments on the ECHO platform (fees apply), visit
- vCard advantages include EOP that combines detailed payment information, instructions, and remittance data in a single document.
- Providers receive fax notices that contain the RA and, vCard with a unique number to that payment transaction; the number is entered into your office credit card terminal to process the payment as a regular card transaction.
- • The first attempt to receive a vCard is by fax, if unsuccessful or vCard is not processed within 60 days, payment is voided and reissued as a mailed paper check.
- MPX offers providers flexibility to select their preferred payment option (eCheck, vCard or ACH) using the MPX Portal, upon receiving an email or fax payment notice.
- Providers can print eChecks anytime/anywhere using any paper or local printer.
- MPX is targeted to providers who never enrolled for ACH and opted-out of vCard.
- Contact MPX Corporation support if you have any questions at 888-471-3920 and
- Check tracers, copies of cashed checks or RAs can be viewed at ECHO Health
- To receive mailed paper checks and EOPs, you must contact ECHO to opt-out of vCard, after receipt of your initial vCard payment at (888) 984-5025 and
- To avoid mailed payment delays, providers are encouraged to: (1) maintain a valid secure fax# with ECHO, (2) notify SCAN of Pay-To-Address updates, (3) ensure their claims include the Pay-To Address in Box 33, not the provider’s physical address.
- Echo Website Support: (833) 318-7212
- To update vCard Fax#: (877) 705-4230 and