Continuous Glucose Monitor (GCM) Training

What are the CGM coverage requirements under Medicare?

CGMs are covered for members who:

•   Have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus; AND

•   Have had a visit within the last six (6) months with his or her prescriber;AND

•   Meets at least one of the following criteria;

    ◦   Member is being treated with insulin; OR

    ◦   Member has a history of problematic hypoglycemia with documentation of at least one of the following:

        ▪   Recurrent (more than one) level 2 hypoglycemic events (glucose < 54mg/dL) that persists despite multiple (more than 1) attempts to adjust medications and/or the diabetes treatment plan; OR

        ▪   History of one level 3 hypoglycemic event (glucose < 54 mg/dL) characterized by altered mental and/or physical state requiring third-party assistance.

All coverage requests should be submitted through the member’s medical group.  For Medicare coverage policies, please see Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Glucose Monitors (L33822) and Local Coverage Article: Glucose Monitor - Policy Article (A52464).

What are the differences between non-adjunctive vs. adjunctive CGMs?

Non-adjunctive CGMs can be used as a complete replacement for traditional fingerstick blood glucose testing supplies and do not require a separate blood glucose monitor (BGM) to confirm testing results.

Adjunctive CGMs must be used in conjunction with standard finger stick tests using a home BGM to confirm testing results.

Both non-adjunctive and adjunctive CGMs are considered DME.

What are the next steps to ensure my patient receives their CGMs in a timely manner?

Submit an authorization to either:

Express Scripts (ESI)

  • By phone: 1-844-424-8886, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, TTY users: 1-800-716-3231; OR
  • By fax: 1-877-251-5896 (Attention: Medicare Reviews); OR
  • Electronically through the EPA portal

Once an authorization is approved, your patient will be able to obtain CGM supplies directly from an in-network pharmacy. (Find an in-network pharmacy near you using SCAN Health Plan’s Pharmacy Search Tool)

Your patient’s medical group with the appropriate CGM DME supply codes:

CGM Type
Common Examples
Receiver (monitor), dedicated, for use with non-adjunctive glucose continuous monitor system
Freestyle Libre 14 Day System
FreeStyle Libre 2 Reader
FreeStyle Libre 3 Reader
Dexcom G5 Receiver
Dexcom G6 Receiver
Supply allowance for non-adjunctive continuous glucose monitor (CGM), includes all supplies and accessories, 1 month supply = 1 Unit of Service
FreeStyle Libre 2 Sensors
FreeStyle Libre 3 Sensors
FreeStyle Libre 14 Day
Dexcom G5 Sensors
Dexcom G5 Transmitters
Dexcom G6 Sensors
Dexcom G6 Transmitters
Adjunctive continuous glucose monitor or receiver
Minimed 630G System
Minimed 670G System
Minimed 770G System
Supply allowance for adjunctive continuous glucose monitor (CGM), includes all supplies and accessories, 1 month supply = 1 unit of service
Guardian Sensor 3
Guardian Sensor 3 Kit
Guardian Transmitter 3
Guardian Transmitter 3 Kit
Enlite Sensor
Enlite Sensor Kit
Commonly Used ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes (for full list refer to LCA A52464)
Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complications
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications
Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications

What kind of documentation needs to be submitted to Express Scripts (ESI) or patient’s medical group/DME vendor?

  1. Documentation showing that your patient meets the criteria to use CGM supplies.
  2. Prescription for CGM supplies (refer to HCPCS and ICD-10 codes listed above).
  3. Documentation showing that your patient’s diabetes diagnosis will be re-evaluated and managed every 6 months.
Additional information may be requested from the medical group.