Coffee, Conversation and Healing

Losing a loved one can turn our world upside down. Since joining SCAN’s Coffee and Conversation social group, one SCAN member is finding friendship, support and healing after loss.
Losing a loved one can turn our world upside down. But it’s possible to right it again by staying engaged and connected. Just ask SCAN member Adam G. Since joining SCAN’s Coffee and Conversation social group, Adam has found friendship, support and healing.

After losing his wife of many years, Adam had accepted that he would live alone in his grief and loneliness. But something unexpected started happening when he joined the social group: By sharing his experiences—and listening to those of fellow SCAN members—he is working his way through the grieving cycle. In fact, he’s now one of the first to welcome and comfort others in the group.

Coffee and Conversation is just one of many learning and social opportunities available through SCAN Learning Communities. Find descriptions and schedules at
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