SCAN 俱乐部 2024 年第 3 期

SCAN Club Issue 3 2024


事实很清楚。 定期进行乳房X光检查的女性不太可能需要手术切除乳房或需要化疗,而且治愈的可能性更大。 现在,得益于乳房X光检查和最先进的癌症治疗,大多数患有早期乳腺癌的女性有望成为长期幸存者。 然而,一些女性仍然推迟接受乳房X光检查。 让我们看一看原因—看一看为什么这些借口都站不住脚。

Problems with Urinary Tract Infections?

It’s always frustrating when things break down: The car is making an odd noise, the computer just won’t start or that leak is back in the kitchen sink. The big challenge is trying to find the root of the problem of an issue so you can address it properly.
