SCAN Case Management Programs

Helping ensure you get the care you need.

SCAN 病例管理计划


如果您是(或正在照料)以下 SCAN 会员:

两种及以上的慢性病,您可能符合我们的护理管理计划的条件。患有糖尿病和心脏病等慢性病是一项挑战,因此我们的护理经理会提供欢迎教育、指导和支持。您将学习如何更好地控制病情、如何充分利用医疗保健系统、社区资源和您可享有的 SCAN 福利。如果您在这些方面需要更多帮助,我们的护理经理还可以召集药房、行为健康、营养和其他领域的健康专家为您服务。

充血性心力衰竭或慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD),您可能符合我们的慢性病管理计划的条件。我们经过专业培训的护士将帮助您了解有关心脏病或肺病的更多信息。他们可以与您讨论您的治疗选项,以便您可以更好地监控和管理自己的健康。他们将努力改善与您的医生的沟通,并加强医疗保健提供商之间的护理协调。目标是:改善健康和提高生活质量。

最近在住院(或正计划住院) SCAN 的护理过渡团队可提供协助,从而促进患者出院回家的过渡工作顺利进行。我们经过专业培训的护理过渡团队可以查看医院的指示信息(包括对药物的任何更改),并确保您知道要关注的症状。他们可以协助会员获得居家休养所需的帮助或设备。我们的护理经理还可以帮助安排重要的复诊,并协助您填写复诊时需要携带的《居家过渡》 表格。

晚期疾病计划 (PAI)


记忆力计划 (MP)


如果您认为以上某个计划可能适合您,请联系 SCAN 会员服务中心

SCAN’s Case Management programs available to you

Homebase Medical

SCAN 与 Homebase Medical 合作,为会员提供免费在家中或虚拟访问服务。 根据您的需要,您可能会受益于:

Homebase 提供上门或虚拟健康评估。 这是一个获取有关您的健康的重要信息、进行预防性测试和筛查、讨论健康问题并了解管理您的护理计划的机会。

亚利桑那州、加利福尼亚州、新墨西哥州和德克萨斯州均可进行虚拟访问。 仅在南加州提供面对面访问。

当您身患重病时,SCAN 和 Homebase 的晚期疾病支持护理 (SCAI) 计划可以帮助您保持舒适。 您将在家中或通过电话与专家联系,以确保在控制症状的同时优先考虑您的生活质量。


如果您在过去六个月内摔倒或骨折,您可能需要进行骨密度筛查。 Homebase 可以根据您的方便来您家进行筛查。


如果您住院后正在康复,我们的支持可以让您更轻松地回家。 我们的护理过渡计划将让您与一名团队成员取得联系,以确保协调您的护理需求,让您舒适而快速地康复。


SCAN 会将会员推荐到这些计划。 Homebase 将联系会员以提供更多信息。

这些服务不收费。 评估、报告和其他相关材料或信息均受 SCAN 保护。

Chronic Condition Management Program

If you have Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) or Diabetes, you may be eligible for our Chronic Condition Management program. Our specially trained nurses will help you learn more about your heart or lung condition. They can talk to you about your treatment options, so you can better monitor and manage your health. They will work to improve communication with your doctor and enhance care coordination between your healthcare providers. The goal: better health and a better quality of life.

Care Transitions

If you've recently been in the hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility (or are planning a stay), SCAN’s Care Transitions team can help by providing short-term coaching to make the transition home a smooth one. Our specially trained Care Transition team can review hospital instructions, including any changes to medications, and make sure you know the symptoms to look out for.

They can assist with obtaining required help or equipment in the home. Our case managers can also help with scheduling those important follow-up medical appointments. Members with ongoing case management needs will get referred to one of our other case management programs.

Program for Advanced Illness (PAI)

If you or your family member have a serious illness, such as late-stage cancer, dementia, heart or lung disease, our Program for Advanced Illness may be able to help. Our specially trained nurses work with members and their caregivers to manage pain and symptoms, coordinate care with your doctors, and help communicate your wishes for care. This program is also open to those already on hospice.

Complex Care Management

If you are at high risk for a hospitalization due to your condition and are not in a Skilled Nursing Facility or in a long-term care facility, you may qualify for this short-term case management program.

Behavioral Health Program

If you or a family member who has a mental health or substance use diagnosis, this might be the right program for you. Case managers work with the member to help facilitate access to care, improve medication adherence and help prevent hospitalizations. Eligibility for this program is based on which SCAN plan you have.

SCAN’s case management program availability may differ depending on your medical group or plan.

To find out more about any of our case management programs or to refer a member, please contact us by email or phone:

Are you a caregiver to a family member or friend? Visit our Caregiver Benefit Page to learn about SCAN programs such as virtual workshops and case management that provide tools, resources and support for caregivers.
